Best mini trampoline 2017 Winner
In a rush? Click on the photo to check our winner for the best mini trampoline!

Good Morning Your Highness! It’s time for your morning training regime.

All the family is sleeping, and you don’t have any time to visit your gym for a quick adrenaline boost, calorie burn, and some exercise. What are you going to do?

REBOUNDING, OF COURSE! Jump on your favorite mini trampoline and give it the best you can.

Oh, wait! You still haven’t bought one, and you still struggle finding the best mini trampoline for you? Worry no more! You came to the right place. What you’re about to read will allow you to buy the best rebounder for your exercise.


 Best Mini Trampoline Comparison Table 

  • Mini Trampoline Name
  • Why to choose this?
  • Editor's Rating
  • Key Features
  • Size (inches)
  • Weight Capacity
  • Check Current Price on Amazon
  • Cellerciser Foldable Rebounder
  • For those who want the best
  • 4.8 out of 5 stars (4.8 / 5)
    • Cellercise Technology
    • Exercise Bar Included
    • Cellercise DVD Included
    • Steel Frame & Springs
    • Smooth bouncing
    • Easy to assemble
  • 40
  • 300lbs
  • Jumpsport Fitness Trampoline Model 250
  • Silent yet powerful
  • 4.6 out of 5 stars (4.6 / 5)
    • No-tip arched legs
    • Bungee Cords
    • Workout Video DVD Included
    • 100% Silent
    • Smooth bouncing
    • Very Easy to assemble
  • 39
  • 250lbs
  • Ancheer Max Load 220lbs Rebounder Trampoline
  • For those who are just starting out!
  • 4.5 out of 5 stars (4.5 / 5)
    • Value For Money
    • Sturdy
    • Great service
    • Quiet Bounce
    • Lightweight
    • Foldable/Not Foldable Versions
  • 38/40
  • 220lbs
  • Leaps & Rebounds Bungee Rebounder
  • Colorful and relatively inexpensive
  • 4.3 out of 5 stars (4.3 / 5)
    • Great Size
    • Sturdy
    • 7 Colors
    • Quiet Bounce - Cords
    • Lightweight
    • Steel frame
  • 40/48
  • 250lbs
  • MaXimus Pro Quarter Folding Mini Trampoline
  • Best value for money - Everything included!
  • 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)
    • PRICE
    • Smooth Bounce
    • Foldable
    • Handle Bar Included
    • Exercise DVD Included
    • Easy to Assemble
    • Many Extras
  • 40
  • 286lbs


 Who needs a mini trampoline? 

Mini Trampolines also called rebounders, or exercise trampolines are small personal trampolines which gain more and more popularity nowadays.

Busy employees, office workers, moms, and generally people who don’t have much time to spend going to a gym or a court seem to love exercising using a mini trampoline.

The reasons are simple. Ease of use and efficiency. You can deploy your favorite rebounder in just a minute (or less if you have it stored under a bed or if it’s a foldable one) and you can begin bouncing right away. You will need to spend only 15 minutes for a complete body toning session in your living room or office.

Now we got your attention it’s time to help you find the very best mini trampoline that will suit your needs. With an impressively high number of mini trampolines on the market, you might find it difficult to choose amongst them. This is why your Toy Veteran has compiled a list containing the best 5 mini trampoline reviews. Let’s see what we’ve got for you!

 Best 5 Mini Trampoline Reviews 

Cellerciser Rebounder – The most sophisticated AND expensive mini trampoline

Aaaaah! David Hall’s Cellerciser. Pardon our enthusiasm here, but if you’ve been reading our articles for a while, you might have stumbled on previous references to this excellent rebounder.

If not, you still might have seen an advertisement on the TV or the trampoline’s creator, David Hall giving an interview about his popular rebounder which is one of the most sought after and bought trampolines currently on Amazon.

Cellerciser mini rebounder
Check The Cellerciser Rebounder on Amazon


  • A 40″ frame entirely steel-made and a series of 36 patented heavy-duty springs guarantee that no twisting or deforming will ever happen to the trampoline.
  • 28″ in diameter of jumping mat provides adequate jumping area and stability to the bouncer
  • Ease of access to young and older users as the legs of this rebounder are only 8.5″ high.
  • Cellerciser comes packed with an exercise bar to assist you during your training.
  • The trampoline is foldable and easily storable (using its companion storage bag) which allows you to take it anywhere you go for a quick training session.
  • It also comes packed with a companion DVD with training programs to get you going with your exercise immediately.
  • The Cellerciser mini trampoline is very easy to assemble. It should take you no more than 10 minutes to unpack and assemble for the first time.
  • The Cellerciser rebounder stimulates every cell of your body providing immunization, toning, and exercise of your whole body at a cellular level. Simply put, even your internal organs are awakened and trained from the inside.
  • The Cellerciser mini trampoline can handle up to 300lbs of weight which makes it ideal for the majority of people out there.
  • The patented barrel-shaped springs alongside with the jumping mat, adjust to the weight and the style of each separate bouncer providing maximum support even during careless landing. This practically means that you do not risk any injury happening to your knees, ankles, neck or back.
  • The Companion DVD contains a series of exercises aimed to boost your stamina, strength, and overall health in a few days’ time.
  • The Cellerciser rebounder trampoline is very silent, allowing you to exercise even when the rest of the family is sleeping.
  • Its price! Most people would argue that an expenditure of around $400 for a mini trampoline would be an exaggeration. This is not the case with the Cellerciser, however.

The Cellerciser is a state-of-the-art mini trampoline designed to tone and energize the entire body. It’s also designed to outlast and outperform all its competitors.

This practically means that instead of buying 2 or more, cheaper mini trampolines that would wear out quickly someone should buy the Cellerciser and rest assured that it will support them for many years from now.

Our Verdict – Cellerciser Rebounder

We will admit it! If you can afford to buy the Cellerciser Rebounder, then the rest of this guide is not for you. It’s apparently one of the best mini trampolines that exist as of October 2017, and you can definitely rely on David Hall for your daily training.

We love this rebounder trampoline so much that we have created a full-length Cellerciser Rebounder review about it. You can read it if you want to find out more. Otherwise, you can use the following link to examine the product on Amazon.

Check the current price

Jumpsport Fitness Trampoline model 250 – Affordable and Professional

This one is undoubtedly one of the top competitors of the Cellerciser we talked above on the market. In fact, as of writing this guide this rebounder by Jumpsport is one of the best selling mini trampolines on Amazon. Let’s quickly find out what it has to offer to you:

Is Jumpsport mini trampoline the best rebounder?
Check Jumpsport’s rebounder on Amazon


  • It contains a series of bungee cords that provide smoother, more silent, and safer bouncing for the jumper.
  • The Jumpsport Fitness Trampoline has a 250lbs weight capacity, hence its name 250.
  • It can be accompanied with an exercise handle bar (sold separately) that will assist you and allow you try variable training moves to tone your entire body.
  • The patented legs of the rebounder are arch-shaped which provides enhanced stability for the bouncer and the trampoline itself.
  • Jumpsport has added a set of padded petals that not only cover the cords of the trampoline to prevent any toes from getting caught in them but also extend the jumping area for about 60% more.
  • It’s 100% silent. This means that you can use the rebounder even early in the morning or late at night when the rest of your family sleeps.
  • The arched no-tip legs guarantee that the trampoline won’t move at all during your training, let aside tip.
  • It’s easily assembled. You just attach the legs, and you can begin bouncing right away.
  • State of the art jumping surface that makes the bouncing easy for the joints and knees thanks to its shock absorption system.
  • The bungee cords make it an excellent rebounder even for kids. Also, the patented padded petals make it nearly impossible for kids and adults as well to get injured by the cords.
  • The frame height is only 12-inches high. This means that the bouncing is very safe as the bouncer won’t risk getting injured even if they fall off the mini trampoline.
  • Top-notch customer support. Jumpsport are famous for their after sales services, and this can be proven by lots of reviews online that claim that Jumpsport have even sent replacement parts and bungee cords for free.
The handlebar isn’t included in the mini trampoline package, and you must buy it separately. Know, however, that a variety of stability bars exist and you can buy one for a few bucks.

The Jumpsport Fitness Trampoline Model 250 isn’t foldable. This shouldn’t discourage you, however. With a weight of 22lbs and the ability to stand on its side, you won’t have any problems to move or store it.

Our Verdict – Jumpsport Fitness Trampoline Model 250

Let’s keep things simple, here. For an investment around $250, you get a durable, 100% handlebar, and most of all, safe trampoline.
We agree that Jumpsport could have included an exercise handle bar in their package but in our opinion, not everyone would need it, and if they did include such a bar the price of the trampoline would be a lot higher. If you want to know more about this fmini trampoline from Jumpsport, you can read our in-depth Jumpsport Fitness Trampoline Model 250 review

Check the current price

Ancheer Rebounder Trampoline – The Budget Option

Is the Ancheer the best mini trampoline in that price?
Check the Ancheer Trampoline on Amazon

Does cheap equal low quality? No! Of course, it doesn’t!

The Rebounder Trampoline by Ancheer is the proof! Currently enjoying one of the top spots in the best selling trampolines and one of the best ratings on Amazon, the Ancheer Max Load 220lbs Rebounder Trampoline seems to be the ideal mini trampoline for the amateur jumper. Let’s see why!


  • Two sizes to choose from. The Ancheer Rebounder comes in two sizes; 38-inch and 40-inch.
  • Foldable or non-foldable? The decision is yours. The manufacturer sells two versions of their trampoline; one foldable and easily movable using its bag and one non-foldable, ideal for those who want to assemble their rebounder easily.
  • The trampoline consists of rubber-covered legs to provide less slipping and ensures that no scratches appear on your floor.
  • Can be used both indoors and outdoors.


  • Its price. PERIOD! Rarely you see such a quality mini trampoline at such an affordable price. To give you a better idea of what we’re talking about, allow us to say that mini trampolines offering the same features as the Ancheer Rebounder cost over $150, whereas the Ancheer Rebounder retails online at almost $55 for the 38-inch version and almost $79.90 for the 40-inch version.
  • It’s sturdy and durable. The Ancheer Trampoline can easily handle 220lbs (i.e., 100 kg) of weight. Also, scouring the Web for any complaints about its durability we didn’t manage to find anything. On the contrary, most people claim that the mini trampoline hasn’t worn out even after years of daily use.
  • It’s silent. This makes it ideal for anyone who exercises during the quiet hours.
  • It’s easy to assemble. This means that the whole unpacking and assembly process shouldn’t take you more than 10 minutes.
  • The trampoline is very light. Thus, even if you don’t purchase the foldable version, you will be able to move or hide it as it only weighs 15lbs tops.
  • The Ancheer trampoline provides a smooth bouncing experience. Not too high, not too low. Normal is the word! This way the trampoline makes it easier for the bouncer’s knees and joints, but also guarantees you won’t risk hitting any ceilings or chandeliers 🙂
  • Great service. It can’t be a coincidence the fact that we’ve stumbled on numerous reviews mentioning that Ancheer has top after sales service and that they have replaced any defective parts without additional costs. Congratulations Ancheer!
  • The Ancheer mini trampoline doesn’t include a companion DVD. Some people might find it as a serious drawback, but we think you shouldn’t worry at all about this. YouTube is your friend, as many professional trainers upload their videos there, and if you want to take your training to another level, you can buy a DVD separately.
  • No exercise bar is included with the trampoline. Ancheer have tried to keep the cost low for their product, and that’s why they didn’t provide a handlebar add-on for their trampoline. However, you can buy one that suits your trampoline (38/40 inch) separately and install it without any problems if you decide you will need one.

Our Verdict – Ancheer Rebounder Trampoline

If you are a newcomer to rebounding and you don’t want to spend a huge amount of money buying a high-end mini trampoline, then Ancheer should be your choice. It’s really sturdy, durable, and with a such an affordable price it will allow you to know if rebounding is for you or not.

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Leaps & Rebounds Bungee Rebounder – Silent and colorful

If you’ve been searching for a mini trampoline to buy on Amazon, it’s almost certain that you’ve stumbled on the Leaps and Rebounds Bungee Rebounder.
It’s currently one of the best selling and top rated mini trampolines currently on the site. Let’s check if it’s worth your attention or not.

One of the best mini trampolines is the Leaps and Rebounds
Check Leaps and Rebounds Amazon page


  • Two sizes available two choose from; the one is 40 inches wide, and the second one is 48 inches wide. This is a lot wider from the majority of the fitness trampolines out there.
  • The rebounder comes in 7 different colors; blue, orange, green, pink, gray, red, and purple! Impressive isn’t it?
  • The frame is steel made which ensures the stability and durability of the rebounder.
  • Thick, durable and UV Resistant Jumping surface designed to last for long and suitable for outdoor use.
  • Strong bungee cords provide smooth jumping experience and reduced noise (compared to spring-based mini trampolines).
  • Weight limit of 250lbs

The Leaps & Rebounds Rebounder is wider than the majority of other mini trampolines. What this means is that bigger, even older people whose balance has deteriorated will be able to use the trampoline easy.

It’s very quiet. The bungee cords do not produce any squeaking noise (as they aren’t made of metal) which makes the trampoline ideal for exercising during the quiet hours.

The bungee cords combined with the thick and carefully designed jumping mat provide a smooth jumping experience that makes it easy on the joints. This clearly must be the reason behind the fact that so many elder people rate the rebounder with 5 stars on Amazon.

There’s padding over the bungee cords which protects your toes from injuries and extend the jumping surface to provide a safer, more-forgiving bouncing.

The rebounder comes packed with 2 spare bungee cords in case any of the rest 32 breaks after use.

The price. For about $150 you get a quality trampoline which will outperform and outlast most same-priced competitors.


Many customers online mentioned that the rebounder was somewhat difficult to assemble and that it required a pair of strong hand to install the bungee cords.
This is partially true, however. If you try to attach one cord next to the other, the whole construction stretches out and really takes some force to put the trampoline together.
Years of experimenting with trampolines, though, allow us to claim that if you place the first 4 cords at a 12:00, 3:00, 6:00, and 9:00 position will make it much easier to assemble the rebounder.
Users who followed this advice managed to finish the assembly process in 20 minutes.

The trampoline is not foldable. This means that if you want to store it, you will have to either disassemble the legs. You can, however, make it stand on its side or hide it easily as it’s literally super-lightweight.

No companion DVD or exercise bar come with the trampoline. This partially justifies its price. Don’t worry, however! You can find many of them online to buy separately and install if you feel you’re going to need one.

Our Verdict – Leaps & Rebounds Rebounder

This is clearly a value for money exercise rebounder. Without having to invest an insane amount of money, you can afford a very durable, silent, beautiful mini-trampoline. We really loved the fact that this rebounder provides a firm and smooth bouncing that allows even older people to use it without any pain on their joints and knees.

Check it’s current price

MaXimus Pro Quarter Folding Mini Trampoline – All in One

Wise people say “save the best for last.” That’s why we decided to leave our review MaXimus for the end. In fact, as you’re going to see, the MaXimus Mini Trampoline really made such an impression on us that we decided to name it our recommendation for the best mini trampoline of 2017. Let’s see why!

Maximus Pro Mini Trampoline
Check the trampoline on Amazon

This fantastic mini trampoline is packed with a series of imposing features, add-ons, and benefits. Here’s an overview:

  • The MaXimus package doesn’t contain only the mini trampoline but also a companion DVD with modern exercises divided into 3 levels (beginner, intermediate, expert), an exercise handle bar, resistance bands, and sand weights for a complete training.
  • It can handle any weight up to 300lbs (that is 136 kilos)
  • It’s foldable and comes with a handy transportation/storage bag to allow you to take it anywhere for a quick training session.
  • The mini trampoline consists of a series of giant steel springs and a very durable jumping surface that not only provide a smooth jumping experience but are also designed to last for long.
  • The price! We’ve managed to find this excellent mini trampoline for under $200. For such a low price you get not only a top-quality trampoline but also all the add-ons that come with it. To give you an idea, mini trampolines that include Companion DVDs, stability bars, resistance bands and sand weights usually cost over $400.
  • The stability bar. It will be handy to people who face balance problems and to people who want to train the upper parts of their body as well.
  • The Companion DVD. Scouring the web for reviews and opinions about the mini trampoline we found out that there was an impressive number of people appraising the exercise DVD. Even professional trainers claimed that it’s not another boring exercise DVD and that the presentation and the exercises were very modern and exciting.
  • Smooth bouncing that doesn’t hurt the joints and knees. The bouncing of the trampoline isn’t neither too soft neither too hard. This practically means that your ankles won’t roll inwards as if they would if the trampoline was too soft. It also means that it’s adequately shock-absorbing to reduce any risk of hurting you.
  • It’s easy to assemble and fold. It will take you 5 minutes max to unwrap, unpack, and assemble the trampoline. As for the folding part, it can be done in mere seconds.
  • State-of-the-art after sales service. MaXimus is a responsible manufacturer. You rarely see any vendor replying to all comments about their product on Amazon and who’s willing to replace damaged parts or provide a solution to any problem their customers face. Just check the reviews and the replies made by MaXimus on Amazon if you don’t believe us, take a look at the reviews that exist on Amazon
There aren’t really many drawbacks here. Just only a few customers mentioned a slight squeaking sound appearing now and then. The manufacturer, however, really surprised us once again. They do include a jar of Vaseline you can apply to the springs to eliminate any squeaks. Top-notch service! Congratulations MaXimus!

Our Verdict – MaXimus Pro Quarter Folding Mini Trampoline

Buy it! PERIOD. For such an affordable price you get a top-quality product coming packed with a series of handy add-ons. There isn’t much more to say about this wonderful mini-trampoline. Just order it, receive it, and begin burning calories and exercising right away! Bravo MaXimus!

Check the current price

 How To Choose the Best Mini Trampoline – Things to Consider 

Now that we’ve given you a variety of options regarding the very best mini trampolines available on the market, it’s time to help you choose the one that fits your needs better.

For this reason, we will write down some criteria that will make it easier for you to choose amongst the best exercise rebounders we have presented above. Let’s see what you need to focus on:

1) Exercise Featureshow to choose your best mini trampoline
They’re all exercise trampolines, aren’t they? Well, generally speaking yes!
But how smooth is the landing of the bouncer on the jumping surface? Does the rebounder adapt to your jumping style? How much protection does the trampoline offer to the joints, knees, and back of the bouncer? Does the rebounder energize the entire body or just the lower parts of it?

2) Weight Capacity of the mini trampoline
Some people weigh more than others. That’s a fact! But this fact should not discourage anyone from using a fitness trampoline. Just pick a mini trampoline that can handle up to 300lbs ( i.e. 131 kg)!
Such weight capacity should suffice for most people out there, and guarantees that the entire family will be able to use the fitness trampoline to exercise.

3) Jumping Surface
Bouncing isn’t difficult, we agree. But why not feel as comfortable as you can feel by buying a mini trampoline that offers extended jumping surface.
This will make the whole process smoother, and even newcomers to the world of bouncing will feel more stable and safe during their bouncing session.

4) Durability
Investing in a durable mini trampoline with a steel frame, steel springs or even durable bungee cords is out of the question; Especially if rebounding is a serious habit for you.

You should look for a trampoline that will last for long, maintaining its bounce and safety for anyone who bounces on it.

5) Safety
Apart from the materials used to construct the mini trampoline, you should check what the manufacturer and the reviewers say about it.
More specifically you should check if there are any complaints about sudden collapses, stability, and tipping issues of the trampoline.

Simply put, the trampoline MUST stay where it supposed to during your training.

6) Noise Levels
If you’re planning to use your mini trampoline early in the morning, your top priority should be to invest in a rebounder that is as silent as possible.

7) Add-ons
Does your favorite mini trampoline package include a companion DVD or an exercise bar? These two could easily make the difference between a boring training and a fun yet efficient exercise session.

A DVD containing a series of exercises will immediately help you figure out how to maximize the effect of your mini trampoline on you.

An exercise bar (also called handlebar or stability bar from some mini trampoline manufacturers) for your exercise rebounder has numerous benefits for you; stability, ability to exercise the upper bounce, proper posture for the bouncer are only some to mention.

8) Price
Last but not least, just as not all people are the same, not all pockets are the same. Sometimes it just depends on the money that someone can spend to buy something. That’s the case with mini trampolines as well.

Don’t worry, however! All the products described above meet all the quality criteria and will definitely be of utmost help for your training.

 Our Pick for The Best Mini Trampoline 

Our Best Mini Trampoline Recommendation

And the winner is the MaXimus Pro Quarter Folding Mini Trampoline!

We really had a hard time choosing between all these excellent rebounders.

However, after taking into consideration the criteria we’ve analyzed above, we have concluded that this incredible mini trampoline by MaXimus Life Ltd is the perfect combination of stability, durability, features, silence, and of course, price.

No need to invest in a companion DVD or a separate exercise bar as you would do with other mini trampolines. They are already included in the MaXimus Pro package. Plus, the also included resistance bands and sand weights make it a no-brainer for all the bargain-seekers. Ideal for professional athletes, too!

Check the current price

 The Best Mini Trampoline Reviews – Conclusion 

This concludes our detailed guide on the best mini trampolines of 2017. We have presented a series of quality exercise rebounders, and we really hope we’ve helped you decide which one to buy for your indoor training regime.

Our mission was to showcase a variety of products ranging from beginner rebounders to rebounders that would satisfy the most demanding bouncer.

Of course, there are even more out there if you want to do your own research as well. We firmly believe, however, that if you decide to pick any of the above mini trampolines, your investment will be as safe as it gets.

Regardless of your choice and budget, we’ve made sure to showcase products that will worth your money and will last for many years from now. Whether you pick Ancheer which is the cheapest mini trampoline, the Cellerciser which is the most expensive rebounder out there, or our top pick, the MaXimus Rebounder, you might rest assured that your fitness trampoline will perform at its best for long.

Thank you for reading! Happy rebounding!
— Your Toy Veteran.



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